We explore low-cost solutions for efficiently improving the 3D pose estimation problem of a single omnidirectional camera moving in an unfamiliar environment.
We present direct multichannel tracking, an algorithm for tracking the pose of a monocular camera (visual odometry) using high-dimensional features in a direct image alignment framework.
GUMS is a complete projection model for omnidirectional stereo vision systems. GUMS is based on the existing generalized unified model (GUM), which we extend for fixed baseline sensors.
We present an on-board navigation system for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) based on information provided by a visual odometry algorithm processing data from an RGB-D camera.
We introduce a catadioptric single-camera omnistereo vision system that uses a pair of custom-designed mirrors (in a folded configuration) satisfying the single view point (SVP) property as a good solution to the perception challenge of MAVs.
We design a novel 'folded' spherical catadioptric rig (formed by two coaxially-aligned spherical mirrors of distinct radii and a single perspective camera) to recover near-spherical range panoramas.